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Companies USA Companies in the state of Virginia
Cataloxy Alexandria...Companies in AlexandriaTransport & LogisticsTransportation and logistics servicesWarehouse services, specialisedVictory Van Corp.

Victory Van Corp., Alexandria

city Alexandria

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Moving Companies , Alexandria, VA , Victory Van Corporation, As a top agent of Allied Van Lines, Victory Van Corporation is a leader among moving companies in Alexandria, VA & surrounding areas.

Special Warehousing & Storage Nec The Sales executive of Victory Van Corp. is CAROL WEINBERG Business classifications
SIC (US 1987) : The professional at Victory Van Corporation have been a leader among moving companies in Alexandria, VA and surrounding areas since the business was founded in 1928 as the Federal Storage Company of Washington, DC and then renamed to Victory Van Corporation in 1945.
Throughout the Washington DC metro area, Victory Van Corporation enjoys an outstanding reputation for experience (over 90 years at the forefront of the industry) plus reliability, responsiveness, professionalism and unmatched reinvestment in the business, its employees and the local community. The values that made Victory Van Corporation successful among moving companies from the start continue to define the company and help it grow.

Don't forget that the most detailed information about Victory Van Corp. in Alexandria you can always get on the official web-site, in the company's office or by calling by phone

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 Address: 950 S Pickett St
22304, Alexandria, Virginia

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Victory Van Corp. in other states:

Gaithersburg, MD (Maryland), Alexandria, VA (Virginia)

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